Kyun Tu
"Kyun Tu" is an experimental collaboration that embodies the helplessness of modern relationships. With "Kyun Tu" we have tried pushing the envelope in the Indian Indie pop space, fusing Punjabi folk elements with soothing neo soul hindi melodies on a groovy chillhop beat. The track draws inspiration from diverse artists like Jorja Smith, J Dilla, Mac Miller, Tom Misch, Hardy Sandhu etc The hooky chorus and a beautifully written rap part makes the listener come back for more! This also marks the start of Tanishque’s solo chapter as a vocalist/producer after years of working and touring with Pakshee.
Directed and Produced bySukrit Chandhoke
Director of PhotographyAniket Pratap
StarringAaron Koul
Story byIsh Raheja
Associate ProducerKunwar Tanishque JarialRajkanwar SodhiSaransh BatraNatasha Vora
Assistant DirectorDevanshu Basu
Production AssistantKanan Kapoor
Assistant CameraDeepakRohit
StylistShubhra Singhal
Hair & Make UpHimanshi Sharma
EquipmentGopala Digital World
Track Info
VocalistTanishqueSaarpunchNatasha Vora
Produced byRajTanishque
Mastered ByShoals